Blog, Style, and Design

Welcome! We're so glad you found us.  Here is the place where you will see all of our latest work with our amazing couples and families. For all you Brides, Grooms, Moms and Dads to Be: Congratulations! We can't wait to meet you.

Attention Brides: Check our Blog often because Jessica Elizabeth Photography is planning on teaming up with our favorite wedding vendors and giving you some insight into hiring the rest of your wedding team.  We may also write about wedding planning tips, so keep an eye out.  Don't worry groomies- you are invited too.  Surely your brides will love an extra hand!

We LOVE what we're doing. If we had to choose between a camera or a trip to Hawaii, we'd take the camera! (Oh wait- we did.)  Photography Rox! But sometimes we need to feed our egos and know that there are other people who appreciate our art. So if you love what we do... show it! Help support Jessica Elizabeth Photography by joining Facebook Weddings or linking to our website on your website! =)

wedding chicks preferred vendor
Weddings, Wedding VenuesJessica Elizabeth Photographers, Best Wedding Photographers in Orange County - 2013 Bride's Choice Award Winner
I recently had the privilege to have a sneak peek at Irvine's newest Children's Musuem: Pretend City.  The grand opening was on August 30, 2009, so now parents can enjoy the experience with their children.  Pretend City is a very interactive place where both children and parents can put on costumes and take on roles such as firefighter, police officer, and mail carrier.  This Pretend City is complete with a farm, grocery store, bank, beach, marina, "Orange Plaza" and much more.  

Pretend City is a place where parents can teach their children how different aspects of the real world interrelate.  For example, the children can pick fruit on the farm, sell it at the market, and then eat it at home or at the cafe.  The "pretendgineers" will even join in the fun!  I could go on  talking about all the great things this place has to offer, but it's way more fun to check it out yourself. 

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Tina & Erik were Jessica Elizabeth Photography's first clients.  We shot their Just Because Session about three days after we had purchased our new Nikon cameras.  I think we have come a long way since then... upgraded camera and lenses, lessons from other Professional Photographers and lots of hands-on training.  To thank Tina & Erik for believing in us and being patient with us we would like to post a few pics from their shoot.  Happy 1 Year!  

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We were invited to a lovely evening at the newly remodeled Pacific Edge Villa. We hung out with Kerry of de Luxe Weddings & Events and were treated to sample a Mexican meal made by Anders Catering, cake from Rossmoor Pastries and a view of floral artwork by Stacey of Floral Occasions. Monte Carlo Casino Entertainment brought blackjack tables that provided some fun times. Had it been real money we were playing with, I would've taken the house for thousands. =) You can check these vendors out for yourself by clicking on the links and see if they are a good fit for your wedding. 

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